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5 Healthy Snack Alternatives To Cure The Cravings

Looking for some healthier snack alternatives to cure the midday or late night cravings? Here are a few of our favorites: 

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1. Nuts

We love this no-prep healthy snack for the busiest days when we're always on the go. Nuts are excellent for curving the hunger or cravings that often come on between the hours of 2 and 5 pm. We frequently reach for the almonds, but cashews, walnuts, and peanuts are tasty, too. Learn more about the health benefits of nuts here. 


2. Homemade Trail Mix

Bouncing off our last point, homemade trail mix is a natural and healthy alternative to sweet and sugary snacks. We're big fans of this recipe from The Healthy Maven, as it's packed with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and dark chocolate. Make a batch over the weekend and hit the trails


3. Edamame

Edamame—whole, immature soybeans—is one of our favorite health snacks when we're craving something with a crunch. Boil a cup of water and sprinkle with some Himalayan salt for a savory, protein-rich snack. Yum.


4. Popcorn

We're not talking about movie theatre popcorn here. When you make popcorn at home—without all the added oil, butter (is it really butter?), and salt—it's actually quite healthy. While popcorn isn't the most nutritious snack on our list, it's a great alternative to that weekend bowl of ice cream. Try adding coconut oil and sea salt!


5. Vukoo Bars

And of course, Vukoo Bars. Call us biased, but this is what we prefer to snack on all week long. Great for pre and post workouts, or as meal replacements, our bars are packed with protein and wonderful nutrients. Learn more about our individual bars here. 


What are your go-to health snacks? Share with us on Facebook or Instagram! 


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