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How to Start Your Day in a Positive Headspace


Avoid Screen Time First Thing in the Morning

Many of us have gotten in the habit of checking our phones first thing in the morning. It's easy, right? We use our phones as alarm clocks, and so they sit on our nightstand. Scrolling becomes a mindless activity we do first thing in the morning. Whether it's social media or text messages or emails, we are staring at our phones before we're even out of bed. Try to break this habit though. Whether or not it seems like it, looking at our emails or social media first thing in the morning can hurt our mental health. FOMO, stress, and anxiety are all common side effects of scrolling first thing in the morning. Instead, use an alarm clock and spend the first hour of your day screen-free. This will ensure you're in a positive headspace when you do finally turn your phone on and catch up on your social feeds and inbox.


Hydrate and Eat a Nourishing Breakfast

We've written before about the importance of eating breakfast first thing in the morning, and we want to emphasize that point further. Having a healthy and nourishing meal, as well as a glass of water, is not only beneficial for your physical health, but it can steer your mental health in a positive direction. Our bodies and minds are not separate. The foods we eat (or don't eat) affect our brains. We must hydrate and eat a nourishing breakfast to feed our bodies and our minds. Try a back-to-work breakfast bowl. And when you're in a hurry, grab a Vukoo bar.



Carve Out Space for YOU in the Morning

It can be challenging to set aside intentional alone time first thing in the morning, but it is truly a gamechanger when it comes to improving mental health. Whether you sit alone with a cup of coffee for a few moments, meditate, stretch, or journal, spending time in silence and solitude is a beautiful way to begin your day in a positive headspace.  


What do you do to ensure you're in a positive headspace each morning? Share with us on Facebook and Instagram!

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