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Three Workout Hacks to Ensure You Get to the Gym!

It's hard to believe summer is almost over. With schools starting this month and fall activities just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about transitioning from longer and lazier days. With fall comes schedules and planning, routine and the need for being more intentional with our time. This includes being intentional with scheduling time for ourselves and the gym. Here are a few tips to help you get the most of your workouts, even in life's busier seasons: 


1. Decide on your workout before getting to the gym

Brainstorm your workouts in advance. Write them down or save them to your Notes App for easy access. Planning your exercises ensures you show up and get the most out of your workout routine. It also means less thinking and more doing once you're at the gym. No more wandering around and deciding what to do. You've already planned your week's workouts.  


2. Set out your gym clothes the night before

If you workout first thing in the morning, lay your gym clothes out the night before. This is a tried and true hack to make it easier to wake up and get to the gym in the morning. You can even fill your water bottle, start the coffee pot, and have your keys on your nightstand. Make it as easy as possible to get out of bed and get to the gym. 

Prefer to exercise during your lunch break or after work? Pack your gym bag the night before and put it by the door. Oh and remember to do your laundry on the weekend. Nothing halts a workout like discovering all your gym clothes are dirty.


3. Create Custom Playlists

I can't tell you how much time I've wasted at the gym trying to find the right Spotify playlist for my workout, and only recently did I invest in Premium. This means no commercials and no cut-outs when the wifi is slow. I spend a few minutes on the weekend updating my list with fresh beats to give me an extra dose of motivation (which is especially helpful on Wednesday). If you haven't created a custom list for your workout yet, try it out. 


What are some of your hacks for ensuring you make it to the gym and get the best workout in -- even during life's busier season? Share with us Instagram or Facebook




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