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How To Protect Your Skin From Sunburns

No matter where you live, you should always be conscious about protecting your skin from too much sun exposure and sunburns, but this is especially true in high elevation states like Colorado. The risk of sunburns and skin damage is much more likely at higher altitudes and, while summer is not the only season you should be protecting your skin (the rays are just as harmful in the winter), these warmer days are a good time to start thinking about best practices for protecting your skin.

Here are a few tips for keeping your skin safe and healthy this summer season:

sun exposure

1. Wear Sunscreen (Always)

We recommend keeping sunscreen in your car, your bag, or next to your face wash in the bathroom. Sunscreen should be applied every day, not just when hiking or camping. Even if you are walking the dog or driving in your car, your skin needs protection from the sun. Get in the habit of applying to the most exposed areas of your skin each morning (arms, neck, legs, shoulders). And invest in face-specific sunscreen to use after washing your face each morning. 


2. Wear A Hat (Or Keep One In Your Car)

Hats are great for shading your face when in the sun for an extended period. Keep one in your car for unexpected adventures and try to wear one any time you'll be outdoors for long periods of time (think hikes, days at the beach, camping, kayak adventures on the lake, etc.).


3. Don't Forget Sunscreen Your Lips & Protection For Your Eyes

Sun defense chapstick and sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection are essential for total protection, especially when outdoors all day. While it might be tempting to invest in cheap eyewear (we have a habit of losing our glasses too), you don't want to risk harm to your eyesight because your sunglasses didn't do their job protecting your eyes from the sun. Plus, better quality (and fitting) glasses are better for moving around in the mountains. 


4. Stay Hydrated

Sun exposure on your skin and hot days tend to cause us to sweat more. When this happens, our body loses water, as well as electrolytes. While this doesn't impact our skin directly, dehydration does affect our overall health. Make sure to keep a water bottle with you all the time and drink the recommended intake daily. 


5. Visit The Dermatologist Regularly 

Our final tip: Become familiar with your skin. Take notice of new moles and freckles and notify your doctor if something looks abnormal or out of place. Regular skin checks are a good idea if you spend a lot of time in the sun or live at higher elevations. Try to make them part of your overall wellness routine.


Share your summer skin protection tips and hacks with us on Facebook or Instagram!

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