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How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth

Did you know you can recycle your vegetable scraps and use them to make homemade vegetable broth?

This is not only an excellent way to get more use out of your veggies, but it's an affordable and healthy alternative to stock cubes and store-bought broth that (more often than not) contain preservatives and chemicals. 

Even if you don't plan on making a soup or stew for a few weeks, you can freeze your homemade veggie broth in ice cube trays and store the frozen cubes in a bag. When you're ready to make a soup or sauce, simply defrost the cubes in a bowl or throw them straight into the warm pot. This is one of our favorite ways to combat food waste too. If you notice your produce going bad, you can quickly make a pot of broth before tossing it out.

Here are a few of our favorite veggie broth recipes to try: 


Most recipes follow these basic steps: freeze your leftover veggie scraps (carrot and potato peels, leaf stems, wilting spinach leaves, etc.) in a large bag or freezer-safe container. Once your bag or container is full, place your scraps in a large pot with water, bay leaves, and salt & pepper. You can also add in some fresh herbs, onions, and tomato paste for added flavor. Allow the pot to simmer so the liquid becomes infused with the veggie flavors; then let the broth cool. Use a strainer to drain the broth into glass jars or a big bowl so that you can divide it into ice cube trays. Then use up your broth or freeze it for later!

The best part about homemade veggie broth is that it's incredibly flexible.

You can use the vegetable scraps you have on hand and, once everything is thrown into the pot, it cooks on its own. Little work is required for this healthy and affordable kitchen staple. And that's why we love it! 


Have you ever made your own vegetable broth? Tell us about it on 

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