One thing we've recently discovered that we love is floor exercises. All you need is a space on the floor about the size of your body. You'll also want a yoga mat for padding and likely some hand weights or a kettlebell for an added challenge. But otherwise, floor workouts are literally something you can do any time, and anywhere—including at home.
If you find yourself short on time this week or stuck indoors because of the weather, try a few of these floor workout exercises. They can be modified in a handful of ways to meet you where you're at.
Remember, even a few minutes of exercise a day is better than nothing. So whether you're just starting to get into fitness or this season of life is keeping your workouts much shorter, try these quick floor routines. And then share your favorites with us on Facebook or Instagram!
1. Side Leg Raises
For a leg exercise, we love the side leg raise. It's a quick burn for the thighs and is great for when you're watching tv or listening to a podcast. You can also use a resistance band for added weight. Aim for 3 sets of 15 on each leg.
2. Supermans
To work your back, you'll want to turn over on your stomach. Place your arms and legs out as if you're flying (like Superman) and then either hold, pulse, or raise all your limbs and down for individual reps. This is great for strengthening your back as well as working your arm and leg muscles. Just remember to keep your eyes on the floor and neck elongated. Aim for 3 sets of 20 reps/pulses or 3 sets of 1-minute holds.
3. Planks
Who doesn't a love a good plank? This popular exercise is great for not only your core but your entire body. We love that you can modify too, including side planks. Check out some of our favorite creative modifications. And if you're just starting out, aim for 3 sets of 30-second holds—for middle and both sides.
4. Push-Ups
If you're wanting to focus on upper body strength, push-ups should be a given in your floor exercise routine. Like planks, these can be modified in a number of a ways to make them even more challenging. Start with 3 sets of 15 push-ups (and use your knees if you have to).
5. Pelvic Tilts
The last exercise—and one of our very favorites—is the pelvic floor tilt, which works your abdominals and lower back. This one is also great to do as a rep, hold, or pulse. You can also *gently* hold a weight on your pelvic for an added challenge. Aim for 3 sets of 15 reps, or 3 sets of 1-minute hold/pulses.