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4 Plants To Enjoy On Earth Day (& Every Day!)


Happy Earth Day! To celebrate we’re listing off some of the greenest and meanest nutritional foods for your body. One of the best ways we can love our planet is by caring for the soil and using regenerative practices to grow produce. As always, shop organic and local when possible to support your nearby farmers. 



Probably the most obvious “green” on the list as it is famous for its nutritional value. Spinach, while not that enjoyable raw and on its own, is delicious as a salad base, in smoothies, or sautéed with garlic and spices. Surprising, research suggests it’s healthier than kale—the go-to superfood for health food bloggers.Try to eat 1 cup a day for all the benefits.

Brussel Sprouts

These little guys are a bit harder to eat every day, but we recommend roasting them up and adding them to your salads or dipping them in hummus for a snack. Potassium, folate, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K are just a few of the benefits that come with consuming these small, delicious mini cabbages. And they are perfect for Earth Day!


Another favorite green food, broccoli is loaded with vitamins and nutrients that are excellent for your health, not to mention they may help prevent cancer. Broccoli also reduces cholesterol, promotes bone and heart health, and benefits your skin. Aim for 1 cup per day.


So it’s not as healthy as spinach, but kale is still excellent for your body. Low in calories, high in fiber and iron, and great for cardiovascular support, we love adding kale to our salads, smoothies, and casseroles. And if you’re craving a snack, baked kale is a delicious substitute for chips.



What are the greens you are aiming to eat every day? Share with us on Facebook or Instagram!

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